Friday, June 01, 2007

Are We Ready?

Like every other morning amid the slamming of my hand on the snooze button and finally getting my bottom in the car to drive to work, I tuned to the local FM. Driving at 80 mph/130 kmph my concentration was not on the road but an account narrated over the radio station that day.

A caller named Scott calls up a radio station to tell the story of his love affair with a woman he was acquainted to. Scott was hired as a hospital staff through his classmate’s mother’s assistance. Let’s call his classmate’s mother Linda. Every break that he had from his classes during the day, Scott would make frequent visits to Linda’s workplace at the hospital. It was also uncanny how convenient his university was located near the hospital that he could bike to have frequent romps with Linda. The breaking point of this affair was when Linda’s husband became angry to find him in his house way too many times when Linda was around. Apparently, Linda’s husband was also playing the field. Nonetheless, Scott was 17 years old when this affair happened while Linda was 41 years old. While the affair may not have lasted, Scott today at 26 years old found Linda to be attractive.

Why am I remembering this story? Admittedly, it is screwed up when Linda’s marriage is concern. Hence, I am not condoning any ‘extra-curricular’ activities with anyone beyond your spouse. Very simply, this story gave hope. The perspective of an older woman going out with a much younger man is somewhat altered when compared to traditional standards laid down from generations to generations where the younger party should be the woman. As time progresses, slowly but surely, traditional standards start to erode thereby raising fewer eyebrows when an older woman is seen with a younger man having a great time.

I and perhaps many women out there have realised that by attaching ourselves to traditional standards and ignoring our options, we are only limiting ourselves. As women get older, so will our pool of men. Let us perform a simple math. A woman at 18 can have a pool of men that ranges from 20 to 60 years old (Ignore the huge age difference as I have in fact seen that happening). A woman at 30 can have a pool of men that ranges from 30 to 60 years old. At 40, the pool will noticeably decrease from a range of 40 to 60 year old men. This pool did not exclude men who fall into the trap of mid-life crisis or men who cannot survive in the midst of any intelligent and powerful women. Excluding these categories of men will leave women with only a handful to have a meaningful conversation with. Ignoring traditional or conventional standards, women will notice that their pool increase when they allow themselves to go out with men younger than them. As a matter of fact, this is not a new mania in town. Countries like the United Kingdom and United States have carried out census and observed that there is an increasing trend of women dating and marrying younger men.

A while ago, I took this subject matter to my lady friends. Despite the trend, some of my lady friends argued that the age difference may hinder any prospects of a stable and permanent relationship. A few mentioned that they would like to be with someone older as older men have more capability in financially providing for them. Then again, I do have a few of my lady friends in their 40s say, ‘It will be liberating to be able to go out with men half our age who is not intimidated by us, who can make us laugh and carry a good conversation’.

Perhaps, women of different ages aspire for different aspects of a relationship. Regardless of what they are, there are men who cannot bring themselves to roam into uncharted waters of dating older women. As more and more women detach themselves from conventional standards, I look forward to seeing more men take the opportunity to look beyond ‘age’ as a factor and merely enjoy the experiences of being with a compatible woman.

Reflections Year 2006

Another half a year has gone by. What is the significance one may ask? After all, we know that time passes by every year with a mere snap of the finger. I was thinking that after 27 years of this, going through year 2006 will be just like any other year; piece of cake. It looks that way on the surface. However underneath it all is a volcano that is waiting to erupt especially when the calendar hits 30th June. Seventeen days after this date will be the day I commemorate my birth.

(People! Get your flags out imprinted with my portrait, hail me and march down the street singing my name. Enhance it with fireworks while you are at it.)

Although, I do not wish to make a huge deal out of it, it nags me. Every year it pesters me. I could still remember how my mother’s constant nag fails to faze me. The ‘one ear in and one ear out’ mode turns on magically. However, this ‘getting older’ nag gets louder every year. The ‘one ear in and one ear out’ mode does not switch on no matter how hard I try. The switch somehow does not work in this scenario, very much like a freaking light bulb that does not turn on no matter how many times you toggle with its switch. Switch…switch….come on…..switch switch switch switch..Turn on you damn thing…you get the message.

I fear time not because I fear having younglings at an old age. Sure there is a higher chance they may come out mentally challenged but that is the least of my concern currently. Instead, I fear that I will lose my youthful luster, my physical ability to bounce back if I should put on more weight and want to lose the fat. I seriously do not want to look like muffin top when I wear certain clothes. Most of all I fear not being ‘where’ I want to be as the year goes by.

Every year healthy folks perform a checklist on their lives. It can happen anytime i.e. at the end of the year, beginning of the year, your anniversary breakup with your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend, birth date, someone else’s funeral date etc. you get the picture.

("The unexamined life is not worth living." Socrates)

My checklist clearly points out to me that my progress has been rather pitiable. Allow me to rephrase. My checklist clearly points out to me that my progress has been slow on the uptake. Since 18 I told myself that I will be on my way to being wealthy, my ultimate goal. Give me 10 years I will get there. Ten #%!!* years have passed and from where I stand today, nothing happened. I was still studying between age 18 to 22 when I came up with these great ideas on how to get to my ultimate goal. These bright ideas did not take flight. Usually something is in the way or perhaps these ideas are not so bright after all (stop snickering). I shall not delve into details at this point.

Nonetheless, at 23 I found my first job and I look at my first paycheck in awe thinking ‘YES! I AM GOING TO BE RICH!!!’. As naïve as it sounded, I clearly knew my paycheck was not going to make me rich like Donald Trump or Oprah and wealthy like Warren Buffet or The Hiltons but it sure felt great to receive that first paycheck. After 4 years I am better positioned financially but definitely neither rich nor wealthy. Although not anywhere near my goal, my career is on track thus far.

Despite all this, I have a long way to go as I am not anywhere close to starting the journey of reaching my goal as I am in the process of relocation. For 3 years I screamed at my inability to make the decision to either remain home or start my life in a brand new environment. I stood still at this crossroad for 3 years and we know that 3 years is a long time to make a decision. Finally after going through trials, tribulations, proper examination and perhaps some wrong raison d'être, I gathered enough guts to come to a conclusion to start anew in a foreign land. I must admit I do lose ground and doubt that this decision is the right one. Missing home, lack of quality friendships, pangs of loneliness, bouts of unhappiness, relationship failure sure destroys my confidence. Knocking some common sense into my head to stay on track, the tough part was over I thought. I thought wrong. This decision was accompanied with obstacles.

As I narrated my self-absorbed life to my counterparts, they always remind me that when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. What these condescending jokers fail to elaborate is that when life gives you lemons, life does not hand you lemons gently. In fact, life throws lemons at you. Not one or two lemons but MANY lemons. As a normal functioning human being, how many lemons can one catch and juggle at once? Hey, kudos to you out there who can at least juggle 3 lemons simultaneously. Juggle I am certainly not great at. How about catching these lemons even if one cannot juggle? As avoidance is definitely out of the question, I have certainly missed catching plenty not to mention being pelt by those incoming lemons. The upside of this is that I come out smelling lemony (Smell me if you are not convinced). Anyway, life’s a bitch thus, cut your losses and move on. Sounds easy, isn’t it?

It will be all right as I convinced myself. All I need to do now is to maintain a positive outlook, be focus and progress with the task at hand. Nevermind the grumblings from relatives, godparents and parents about my love life. That can wait, yes?

To be continued……